bravely healing intuitively living

Private Therapy Practice Offering Virtual Individual, Group, and Family Therapy

Connecting healing to living a life worth flourishing in

  • Our Mission:

    Empowering humans to bravely heal and intuitively live out their potential to flourish in the world around them and within them.

  • what we do

    Individual Therapy

    Psychoeducational Group Therapy

    Skills Development Group Therapy

    Process Group Therapy

    Family (Support People) Therapy

  • what we treat

    Anxiety Disorders


    Body Image/Body Grief

    College Readiness

    Eating Disorders/Disordered Eating

    Mood Disorders

    Substance Use

    Sleep Disturbances


  • what we use

    Dialectic Behavioral Therapy

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

    Motivational Interviewing

    Talk Therapy

    Trauma Informed Care

  • who we serve

    Adolescents Ages 12-17

    Young Adults Ages 18-27

    Adults Ages 28+

  • who we are

    Threasa (Tee) Kluever, MSW,
    She | Her | Hers

    Heather Lane, MA,
    She | Her | Hers

ABOUT bravely healing intuitively living

Bravely Healing

The Butterfly: Threasa (Tee) Kluever has always wondered if caterpillars know they are destined to be butterflies… And, how brave is it to know you’ll live a life, and then one day, life as you know it will forever be changed? Butterflies symbolize change - the beauty in it and the not so beautiful journey leading to change. We believe change and bravery go hand in hand.

When facing change around and inside you, you have two choices - fight it or embrace it. Both choices are brave, and in order to lead to healing change must occur. We are not saying that change, being brave, healing or therapy is all butterflies and sunshine: it’s hard work, often times feeling more like a caterpillar in the cocoon, than a butterfly in the sunshine. Us at Bravely Healing Intuitively Living understand this, and we are honored to walk along side you in the dark, holding the lamp for you to see the possibility of living a life worth flourishing in.

Intuitively Living

The Flower: Grows from the seeds we plant living off the water, soil’s nutrients, and the air. The flower intuitively lives its life, using both the sunshine and rain to grow from the dirt it was planted in. We, as humans, do not get the choice of what we are born into, live through or what is thrown at us in life. We do, however, have the choice of what we do with it.

Tee wishes she can “coin” the term “Intuitively Living,” and credit must go to someone who has made a great deal of an impact in Tee’s life, someone who taught her what “Intuitively living” truly meant and encouraged, guided her to live intuitively. To live outside of the darkness, to catch and conquer what life throws at you, is to live intuitively. When we choose to be brave, when we choose healing, we are also choosing to come out of survival, to flourish - to live. And, in this process, in this journey, you begin to learn about yourself: your feelings, your behaviors, your thoughts, and your body sensations. You learn to hear, to listen to, to understand, to follow, and most importantly, to trust your own intuition. You learn intuitively living.

- When we start to bravely heal, we start to intuitively live -

Warmest Welcome to Bravely Healing Intuitively Living

We are here, grateful and honored that you are here, and we look forward to connecting with you

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